AssetWise Inspections

Manage User Groups

While roles determine a user’s module access and permissions, user groups determine a user’s asset access. Asset access can also be determined with supplemental security, but user groups are the recommended resource for most users.

Create New User Group

The administrator can create as many user groups as needed. To create a new user group, select [Create New User Group] to begin the setup:

  • Name – The name is the label that will be used throughout AssetWise Inspections. The name should be indicative of the type of users that will encompass the user group.
    • Example: If an agency has inspectors for each of its 10 counties, the agency might create a user group for each of the counties and add the inspectors from each county to their respective county’s user group. Users can still be added to other user groups if needed, but this will help the agency manage their security more efficiently.
  • Profile – The drop-down lists all of the profiles that have been created in the system. Selecting the user group’s profile determines two things:
    1. Users who can be in the user group Only users within the selected profile or its child profiles can be in the user group.
    2. Users who can manage the user group Only users within the selected profile or its parent profiles can manage the user group.
      • This determination is only necessary if the system has more than one profile. A single-profile system can simply select that profile for all user groups.
  • Users in User Group – This box shows all of the users that are in the user group. To add/remove users from the user group, select Edit.
    Note: Users can be added to multiple user groups.
  • Filter – To narrow down the list of users that appear, the Filter button can be used to show only the users within the profile and/or role selected to filter.
  • Select User(s) – Check the box of the users that should be included in the user group. If all users shown should be included, check the Select All Users checkbox. If the desired user is not shown, adjust the filter settings.
  • Save – When all of the intended users have been selected, click Save. To go back to the Manage User Groups screen without making changes, click Cancel.

Manage User Groups Page Controls

When the settings for the user group are complete, click Save. To delete the currently selected user group, click Delete.